Links and Resources

Please see link for tips for parents when dealing with an anxious child.
This comprehensive website developed by Dr. Stan Kutcher has amazing resources, information and links for families and students on topics ranging from anxiety, stress, time management, and sleep.
Mental Health
DoorWays provides rapid access to mental health and addictions counselling services ‘one session at a time.’ While most DoorWays locations offer a walk-in service, some locations provide same-day or next day services or appointments by phone. Walk-in counselling services are available without an appointment or referral.
In St. John’s and surrounding areas, those aged 12 years and older can access DoorWays.
Emergency Mental Health Services
This is a link to Mental Health and Addictions support in Newfoundland and Labrador
Below are numerous articles and resources for youth and teens by the Canadian Mental Health Association
Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions in youth. Below is a link for general information about anxiety disorders.
Bullying and Harassment
Below is the link to the Department of Education bullying awareness and prevention information
Barbara Coloroso is an internationally recognized speaker and author in the areas of parenting, teaching, school discipline, non-violent conflict resolution and reconciliatory justice. Here is a link to her website.
Helping kids deal with bullying.
Barry MacDonald is an author, professional speaker and consultant to parents, educators, corporations, and professionals. Barry is well known for his highly practical and positive approach to building capacity, co-creating community and inspiring ingenuity and integrity. Here is a link to his website.
This is a link to excellent parenting articles on raising resilient children.
Below is information on parenting techniques that will help teach you how to set limits and establish family rules.
Study Skills
Great resources on our school website
Below is a guide to help your child with homework.
This link offers information for parents on test anxiety.
The following is a list of additional websites where students can find information on topics that often affect adolescents. Students are strongly encouraged to check with one of the school’s counsellors, or another helping professional, for accurate and up-to-date information on these topics.